Wednesday, July 24, 2013


It is so hard to believe that our time here is almost up.  Three more days and it is back to reality.  We have had such an incredible time, but are looking forward to being back with Joel and seeing all our family and friends again.  Today,  Melissa was exhausted after school so we came back home and she napped for a good part of the afternoon.  Shortly before dinner, Daniele called because he had some time and he had promised Melissa a ride on his Vespa.  He took her all around the city and she loved every minute of it.  After her ride, we went to dinner, where we sat next to an older couple from the Upper West Side of Manhattan who asked me if I was Italian!  They then decided they wanted to fix-up their 23 year old granddaughter with David!  After dinner (and of course, gelato), we came back to the apartment so that I, being a true nerd, could do my homework and Melissa could get ready to go clubbing with her friends!  Oy.  We have Dan and Rachel's room upstairs ready for their arrival tomorrow in the early evening.  It will be so great to share our experience here with them, even if it is only for a couple of days.

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