Last night was our last night with Joel. We had dinner at a restaurant on our block and then gelato at the place next door to our apartment and he left very early this morning. We know that he hated leaving us here alone and that he will worry about us, so please make sure you keep him busy and entertained while we are away.
Melissa's Italian is already amazing. She has learned so much in just three days--it is hard to believe. She loves her teacher and likes her classmates. Today we went to lunch with some of her friends from class. We originally had nine people going, but by the time we got to the restaurant, 4 realized they would not have time to eat lunch and get back to their afternoon class, so they left. We ate with Nadine, who we met the first day; she is 21 and is half Irish and half Egyptian--and is a really sweet girl. Her sister, Nancy, who is only visiting for a few days was with us and a girl from Melissa's class named Carla (who is Jewish and from Australia).
After lunch we did a little shopping (but did not spend too much) and then went back to the apartment for a siesta. We had a nice dinner at a small restaurant on the Piazza at the end of our block and then took a long walk past the Piazza della Repubblica and listened to live music in a courtyard. This is truly a magical place.
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